

A bridge between worlds

What is mediumship?

Mediumship is the practice of bridging communication between the energy of the dead (spirits) and living human beings. A person who has the ability to communicate with spirits is called a medium. Mediums are considered bridges between the living and the dead.

Mediumship has been practiced in various forms throughout history and is often associated with spiritualist beliefs and practices. Mediums may receive messages from spirits through various means such as clairvoyance (seeing spirits), clairaudience (hearing spirits), or other psychic abilities.

Laura thinks of mediumship as the ability to dip into energy, and she uses her keen abilities to dip into the energy of your loved ones in order to pass on messages and help you connect with those you wish to hear from.

The Benefits of Psychic Mediumship Reading

  • Closure

    Many individuals seek mediumship readings to connect with loved ones who have passed away, hoping to receive messages or signs that provide comfort, closure, and reassurance that their loved ones are at peace.

  • Grief and Healing

    The loss of a loved one can be a deeply emotional experience, and some people turn to mediumship readings as part of their grieving process. Messages from spirits can offer emotional healing, validation of their feelings, and a sense of continuing connection with the deceased.

  • Seeking Answers

    People may have unanswered questions about the circumstances surrounding a loved one's death or unresolved issues in their relationship. Mediumship readings may provide insights, explanations, or closure regarding these matters.

  • Spiritual Guidance

    Individuals interested in spirituality or seeking guidance in their lives may turn to mediums for insights, advice, or messages from spirit guides or higher beings. Mediumship readings can offer spiritual guidance, direction, and clarity on life decisions or challenges.

  • Curiosity

    Some individuals are simply curious about mediumship and the possibility of communication with the spirit world. They may seek out mediumship readings out of curiosity, interest in the paranormal, or a desire to explore their own beliefs about life and death.

  • Validation of Beliefs

    For those who believe in an afterlife or the existence of spirits, mediumship readings can provide validation of their spiritual beliefs and offer a sense of connection to something greater than themselves.

  • Personal Growth and Insight

    Engaging with a medium can lead to personal growth, self-reflection, and deeper understanding of oneself and one's relationships. Mediumship readings may uncover hidden truths, patterns, or lessons that contribute to personal development and self-awareness.

Come Be Magical

With Me

Whenever I work with someone, I always find myself asking guides this question: “what information should come through for this person’s highest and greatest good?”

What I have found when working with people is that I offer possibilities. I can show you the possibilities for life, your own power, and your potential, while also confirming what you already know on the inside. When you blow away the fog of your uncertainties and information that clouds your ability to understand a scenario because you’re too close to it, the answer was always right in front of you.